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Ohio Wesleyan University Project

In early 2021, representatives from the Alumni Department at Ohio Wesleyan University approached me to create original artwork to be presented to distinguished donors that contributed to the beautification and student life expansion.  The project coincided with a celebration of a record-breaking fund-raising campaign that spanned 7 years.  These are the works that I was honored to create for my alma mater, OWU.

Smith Querry Athletic Center

WM9Final scan Simpson Querrey.jpg

Slocum Hall

WM12Slocum Final (2).jpg

Stuyvensant Hall


Sloan SLU

WM10Sloan Final.jpg

Bradford Mulligan

WM3Bradford Milligan Final.jpg

Gillespie House

WM4Gillespie Final.jpg

Butler House

WM1Butler Final.jpg

Ross Art Hall

WM13Ross Final (3).jpg

Branch Rickey Arena

WM8Branch Rickey Final.jpg

Smith Hall and Trott Tower

WM7Smith Hall Final.jpg

Merrick Hall

WM6Merrick 5.jpg

Dittrick SLU

WM5Dittrick Final.jpg

Dicke SLU

WM2Dicke Final.jpg
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